Boss Babe Giving Circle

The Boss Babe Giving Circle honors women in Colorado Springs who selflessly make an impact in the lives of women in our community.

Through this collaborative effort we can build camraderie amongst boss babes and continue strengthening our mission of empowering women in business.

In 2021, our members raised $7,000 and nominated, selected, and sponsored two women to receive an all-expense paid trip to attend The Boss Babe Tropical Getaway in Hawaii.

Boss Babe Giving Circle Members in front of US Olympic and Paralympic Museum

2021 Boss Babe Giving Circle Members presenting Erica Abraham as one of our Shero’s of the Year (Almagre)

2021 Boss Babe Giving Circle Members

The Giving Circle was inspired after creating the Boss Babe Tropical Getaway, a wellness retreat catered to women and hosted on the beautiful island of Kaua’i. We strongly felt compelled to come together and honor local women who uplift others.

Mantra: We believe when women support one another, we move mountains, break barriers, and create a supportive community.

Nomination Process

Our Giving Circle is committed to providing opportunities for women in Colorado Springs. Through our 2022 giving efforts, we will be able to sponsor deserving women with an all-expense paid trip to attend the Boss Babe Tropical Getaway. Your generosity is investing into the mental health and well-being of women!


  • Co-Founder, Axon Health

    Thank you for gifting me with such an amazing experience that I otherwise may have never participated in. Since starting my business, its become increasingly apparent that my self-care habits could use some work. This was the gift I didn't know I needed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see that.


2021 Shero’s of the Year

A shero is defined as a woman admired for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine. The Boss Babe Giving Circle honors women in Colorado Springs who selflessly make an impact in the lives of others.


  • Founder, Lighting the Way

    Attending the Boss Babe Tropical Getaway has blessed me in so many ways and came at a time when my soul needed replenishing. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity and the time well spent. So much love from my heart to yours.